Accento Outsourcing

Customer Service Outsourced

Give customers another reason to fall in love with your brand. When outsourcing customer support with us, you get experienced agents for your specific needs. After training in your products, services, and company policies, our agents work full-time to exceed customer expectations from their first client interaction.

Technical Support Outsourced

Technical issues are inevitable. Even the most thorough usability testing can’t replace the need for good technical support. At Accento Outsourcing, we recruit and train your support team to help customers 24/7 and turn at-risk users into lifelong, satisfied customers.

Support Across Channels

Meet customers where they’re already spending their time – social media. The Accento Agents can respond to customer queries in real-time, utilizing a consistent brand voice.

  • Give actionable support to customers within minutes
  • Mitigate incidents and protect your brand reputation on social media
  • Make it easy for customers to brag about you online

Easy On-Boarding

You help us define the scope of work and the attributes you deem to be the most important with your people. We’ll find and vet the right people that will match your company culture and provide you with the highest level of performance you would expect from the employees working for you.